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Department of Computational Linguistics Digital Linguistics

EMNLP 2023

At the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2023), which took place in Singapore, two researchers in our group presented their work:

Lena S. Bolliger

ScanDL: A Diffusion Model for Generating Synthetic Scanpaths on Texts,  EMNLP 2023
Lena S. Bolliger, David R. Reich, Patrick Haller, Deborah N. Jakobi, Paul Prasse, Lena A. Jäger
[ http|Video|Poster|bib]

Shuwen Deng (from our AEYE lab at the University of Potsdam)

Pre-Trained Language Models Augmented with Synthetic Scanpaths for Natural Language Understanding,  EMNLP 2023
Shuwen Deng, Paul Prasse, David R. Reich, Tobias Scheffer, Lena A. Jäger
