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Department of Computational Linguistics Digital Linguistics

Data Protection Law Congress

Prof. Dr. Lena A. Jäger will be speaking at the 8th edition of the Data Protection Law Congress on May 22, 2024, at the University of Zurich. For more information please see the flyer attached below.

8. DSG Tagung (PDF, 481 KB)

8th Data Protection Law Congress

AI Conquers Data Protection – Or the Other Way Around?

The introduction of the revised Data Protection Act is almost forgotten in light of the new topics that keep us busy in data protection today. Particularly, artificial intelligence (AI) raises significant questions, not only, but also extensively in data protection. We aim to address these questions at this year's Data Protection Law Conference with both familiar and new perspectives.

The conference will start with the tried-and-tested duo of presentations on the legal developments in data protection over the past twelve months. We will first learn about the developments in Switzerland, followed by an overview of legal developments in the area of the GDPR. We will certainly hear about topics such as data transfer to the USA – and with some luck, by the time of the conference, perhaps even a decision by the Federal Council on the adequacy of data protection in the USA.

Following that, there will be three presentations focused on AI. A practitioner will share how a large Swiss corporation manages governance around the use of AI. This involves not only legal requirements but also supra-legal demands, commonly referred to today as "ethics." We will approach this broad topic from an academic perspective and subject the theoretical statements to a reality check by a representative from the practice. This is not just about AI, but generally about the "ethical" handling of data.

The last part of the event will specifically focus on AI, conducted not as a presentation but as an interview. This format aims to provide us with the technical understanding necessary for the legal classification of the phenomenon. In other words, we will have two top experts explain to us what is actually inside a large language model and other things we've always wanted to know.
