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Institut für Computerlinguistik


Invited Presentations

29 March 2020. Speech rhythm varies with aging and pathology. Talk at UNITRE Soletta.

November 2019 (date tbc). Speech rhythm in healthy aging: What is special about it? Talk at UNITRE Zurich

8 October 2019. Lecture on Language Data Processing, Mono-master in Linguistics, University of Zurich - Introduction to Speech Data Processing (E. Pellegrino, T. Kathiresan)

11 December 2015. Workshop Tra medici e linguisti Lingua e patologia: le frontiere interdisciplinari del linguaggio. University of Naples “Federico II”, Le competenze nell'italiano scritto di sordi italiani e stranieri testate attraverso il Competition Model (A. De Meo, V. Caruso, E. Pellegrino)

26 March 2015. Kolloquium at Psychologisches Institut – Neuroplastizitäts- und Lernforschung des gesunden Alterns Zürich University (UZH - Kompetenzzentrum INAPIC) - Zürich University, Age-related speech variations: A new old look at an old classic (E. Pellegrino)

Oral contributions to conferences (talk or poster)


14-17 July: International Conference of International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, Istanbul (TR) Does speech rhythm vary with aging? A comparison of multilingual longitudinal and cross-sectional data (poster: E. Pellegrino, L. Fischer, V. Dellwo); Can prosody be the key to spot fake voices? Acoustic and automatic speaker verification analyses on digital and natural voices (poster: E. Pellegrino, T. Kathiresan, C. Roswandovitz, S. Fruholz, V. Dellwo); Influence of shouted speech on automatic speaker recognition performance (T. Kathiresan, A. Fröhlich, E. Pellegrino, V. Dellwo); The Effect of Deceptive Speech on Auditory Speaker Discrimination (S. Lim, E. Pellegrino, T. Kathiresan, V. Dellwo)

17-19 June: 3rd Phonetics and Phonology in Europe conference (PaPE 2019) University of Salento, Lecce (IT) Rhythmic Convergence and Divergence in two Swiss German dialects (poster: E. Pellegrino, H. Ruch, T. Kathiresan, V. Dellwo)

17-18 May: 6th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices (EPIP6) Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, R. Macedonia. Learning English as a Foreign Language: The effect of the amount of exposure to English on the production of vowels by University Learners from different levels (A.C. Pesantez, E. Pellegrino, V. Dellwo)

13-16 May: Seminar in phonetics and phonology: speech variation, language change, and computational modelling Venice International University. Rhythmic Variability in healthy aging (E. Pellegrino, V. Dellwo); Rhythmic Accommodation in a dialect contact situation (E. Pellegrino, H. Ruch, V. Dellwo)

3 May: UZH-UNIGE Workshop on Computers in L2 Learning and Assessment University of Zurich, Zurich (CH). After pronunciation training learners converge prosodically to the native speakers (E. Pellegrino)


13 December: Workshop on Accommodation in Speech Communication URPP Language and Space, University of Zurich, Corpus, Methods and Measures of Accommodation at Zurich URPP Language and Space (E. Pellegrino, H. Ruch, T. Kathiresan, V. Dellwo), Accommodation strategies used by hearing speakers in spoken interactions with deaf people. A preliminary investigation (poster V. Caruso, E. Pellegrino)

15 November: International Conference on Laboratory Phonetics and Phonology Alzahra University, Teheran, Iran (video conference) The Effect of Aging on Within Speaker Rhythmic Variability (E. Pellegrino)

12 October: Journée de Linguistique Suisse 2018 Bern University. Rhythmic Accommodation in a Dialect Contact Situation. Acoustic and Perception Studies in Grison and Zurich German (E. Pellegrino, H. Ruch, V. Dellwo)

2-6 September: Interspeech 2018 Hyderabad, India. Influences of fundamental oscillation on speaker identification in vocalic utterances by humans and computers (V. Dellwo, T. Kathiresan, E. Pellegrino, L. He, S. Schwab, D. Maurer)

13-16 June: Speech Prosody 2018 Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan. The effect of ageing on Speech Rhythm: A study on Zurich German (E. Pellegrino, L. He, V. Dellwo)

1-3 February: 5th International Conference of the Italian Society for Language Teaching and Educational Linguistics (DILLE) Siena University for Foreigners, Italy. Poesia e percezione ritmica tra oralità e scrittura (V. Caruso, E. Pellegrino, M. di Palma)


3 November: Workshop on Speaker Individuality in Voice: Human and Machine Processing University of Zurich, Switzerland (CH). Ageing effect on between- and within- speaker rhythmic variability (E. Pellegrino)

28-30 September: Workshop on Speech Rhythm in L1, L2 and Learner Varieties of English Vigo, Spain (ES). Longitudinal study on speech rhythm: an investigation on Noam Chomsky (E. Pellegrino, L. He, V. Dellwo)

9-12 July: IAFPA 2017 – The International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics Split, Croatia. The effect of aging on between-speaker rhythmic variability (poster E. Pellegrino, L. He, V. Dellwo). Between-Speaker rhythmic variability in Persian (poster H. Asadi, L. He, E. Pellegrino, V. Dellwo)

3-5 July: 16th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW 2017) Birmingham University, Birmingham (UK). Age-related rhythmic variations: An investigation on Zurich German (E. Pellegrino, L. He, N. Giroud, M. Meyer, V. Dellwo)

25–29 June: 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Boston, Massachussets (USA). Can second language suprasegmentals be learned? A study on Japanese learners of Italian as foreign language (E. Pellegrino); Rhythmic characteristics in aging: A study on Zurich German German (E. Pellegrino, L. He, N. Giroud, M. Meyer, V. Dellwo)

26-27 April: Speech Perception and Production across the lifespan University College London, London (GB). Speech rhythm and aging (E. Pellegrino, L. He, N. Giroud, M. Meyer, V. Dellwo)

15-17 March: 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV, 2017). Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany (DE). Computation of L2 speech rhythm based on duration and fundamental frequency (poster E. Pellegrino, L. He, V. Dellwo)

23-25 February: Conference of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics (AItLA 2017), University of Naples L’Orientale and of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy (IT). LV come LS? Alcuni problemi nella definizione delle competenze linguistiche dei sordi (V. Caruso, E. Pellegrino)


8-12 September: Interspeech 2016 San Francisco. Speech Rhythm in Parkinson’s Disease: A Study on Italian (poster M. Pettorino, M.G. Busà, E. Pellegrino)

24-27 July: XXV International Conference of International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA 2016) University of York's Department of Language and Linguistic Science – J. P. French Associates, Forensic Speech and Acoustics Laboratory. A hybrid measure of speech rhythm: possible implications for LADO (poster E. Pellegrino, L. He, V. Dellwo)

22-25 June: International Conference of American Association for Teachers of Italian (AATI 2016) University of Naples L’Orientale and Federico II, Naples (IT). The effects of cross-lingual CALP abilities on school success: a comparative study of Generations 1.5 and Second-Generation immigrants (G. Vitale, E. Pellegrino)

13-15 June: Spoken Communication 2016/ La Comunicazione Parlata 2016, University of Naples L’Orientale and Federico II, Naples (IT). Strategie di riparazione nell’interazione conversazionale tra sordi e udenti (E. Pellegrino, V. Caruso, A. De Meo)

10 March: 言語処理学会第22回年次大会/22° Annual Meeting of the Natural Language Processing Society (NLP 2016) Università di Tohoku, Sendai (JP). A self-imitation technique for the improvement of prosody in L2 Italian (D. Vigliano, K. Yoshimoto, E. Pellegrino)

18-20 February: XVI Conference of Italian Association of Applied Linguistics (AItLA 2016), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (IT). L’interazione verbale tra sordi e udenti: analisi di alcuni meccanismi conversazionali (E. Pellegrino, V. Caruso, A. De Meo)

27-29 January: XII National Conference of Italian Association for Speech Science (AISV) Fisciano University, Salerno (IT). L’apprendimento della prosodia in contesto LS: uno studio su apprendenti giapponesi (D. Vigliano, M. Pettorino, E. Pellegrino)