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The content of this page might be outdated. See my personal website for more information:
The Attempto project is dedicated to the development of the controlled natural language Attempto Controlled English (ACE). I am a member of the Attempto group and I am working on the further development of ACE and on the realization of tools that use ACE as a knowledge representation language with a special focus on the Semantic Web.
I am a collaborator of the ERGO project ("Effective Representation of Guidelines with Ontologies") that is hosted by the Yale University and is dedicated to research on how formal methods can improve the development and application of medical guidelines.
I was a member of REWERSE, a research network of excellence on "Reasoning on the Web".
AceWiki is a semantic wiki using the controlled natural language ACE. We try to solve the problems that most of the existing semantic wikis do not support expressive ontology languages and that they are often hard to understand for people who are not familiar with the technical terms of logic and ontologies.
The ACE Editor is a tool that demonstrates how editing of ACE texts can be done in a convenient way. The ACE Editor is not a finished tool but rather a general basis to create domain-specific tools on top of it.
AceRules is a forward-chaining rule system based on ACE, i.e. the rules and the answer sets are written in ACE. It supports multiple semantics (called 'modes'): courteous logic programs, stable models, and stable models with strong negation.