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Institut für Computerlinguistik



• Dimos K. Dick L., Dellwo V. (submitted). Perceiving levels of emotion in prosody

• Dimos K. Dick L., Dellwo V. (in press). Use of speech and prosody in Composed Theater. In Trends in Phonetics and Phonology in German Speaking Europe. Edited Volume; Peter Lang.

• Dimos K. (2012). Assimilation phenomena in the dialect of Epirus. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory: Ghent, Belgium

Selected Presentations

• Dimos K. (2014). Voice in artistic performance. A phonetic approach to Composed Theater performance. Performing Voice, Basel, Switzerland

• Dimos K., He L., Dellwo V. (2014). An investigation on rhythmic, acoustic differences between normal and shouted voices. Poster presentation at the conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics. Zurich, Switzerland

• Dimos K., Dick L, Dellwo V. (2014). Realisation of stress in theatrical speech. The example of Composed Theatre. 167th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Providence, USA.

• Dimos K. Dick l. Dellwo V. (2013). The Phonetics of Composed Theater.. Poster in the Phonetik & Phonologie 9. Zürich, Switzerland

• Dimos, K. (2013). From phonetics to phonology. 2nd Swiss Workshop on Prosody, Neuchatel, Switzerland

• Dimos K. (2012). The phonetic structure of the Greek rhetorical wh-questions. Production and perception.Oral presentation in the 34th DGfS, Frankfurt, Germany

• Dimos K. (2012). Assimilation phenomena in the dialect of Epirus: The case of /s/ voicing. Poster presentation in the 5th International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects & Linguistic Theory, Ghent, Belgium

• Dimos, K. (2011). Intonational characteristics of rhetorical wh-questions. Oral presentation in the 10th International Conference of Greek Linguistics, Komotini Greece