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Department of Computational Linguistics Phonetics

Zürcher Kompetenzzentrum Linguistik presents: Workshop on Speaker Individuality in Voice: Human and Machine Processing


Important The workshop venue is no longer at Andreasstrasse 15 as shown in the above poster. Instead, we will convene in the Uni Zentrum (Rämistrasse 71). Please see below (Time and Venue) for more details.


Volker Dellwo

Lei He

Elisa Pellegrino

About the workshop

The workshop, bringing together people working in the areas of phonetics, linguistics, forensic speech science and automatic speaker recognition,  will provide a forum for discussing how linguistic, indexical and paralinguistic information are encoded in the speech signal and how these information are processed by human listeners and machines.

Dominic Watt and James Tompkinson from the University of York are the guest speakers and they will respectively give presentations on «The implications of vocal impersonation as a form of identity theft» and «Challenges in the elicitation of meaningful vocal information from linguistically untrained listeners». Presentations from Volker Dellwo and other members of the UZH Phonetics Lab as well as from Petr Motlicek of IDIAP are confirmed.


In order to have a good idea of the number of participants, we would be very grateful if you could confirm your attendance by October 31


Time and Venue

Time: November 3, 2017 (Friday),   10:00AM  –  ca. 4:00PM

Venue: University of Zurich (Room KOL-E-13, Rämistrasse 71, 8006, Zürich)




Persons of Contact

Lei He,   Email: lei dot he AT uzh dot ch

Elisa Pellegrino,   Email: elisa dot pellegrino AT uzh dot ch